Sunday, March 25, 2007

Larger than Life

Okay....I confess, I could probably stand to loose a few pounds - maybe more like around twenty.

But here's the thing, I feel great, I feel alive, I feel sexy (sorry son if you're reading this).

When I was younger I never had to worry about what I weighed, I was always the skinny kid. I remember being in high school and having to sew up my go go boots so they wouldn't fall down around my ankles.

Somewhere around 40 things changed, suddenly it took work to fit into those jeans. In the beginning this really bothered me, made me feel less than. It also didn't help that my husband was always the first to notice and suggest that perhaps smaller portions and vigorous exercise was a good thing.

Several things happened this past year that changed my perspective, including the death of a dear friend's husband.

Now if I feel fat I do several things, including:
  • Look at a photo from a few years back, a time when I felt huge. I actually look good, young, healthy, alive - why did I worry about something so silly?

  • Think of one of the sexiest women I know, she's twice my size and looks amazing

  • Remind myself that there are things in this world that are far more important than those few extra pounds, global warming, Africa - well, you get the idea

Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of being strong and fit. Like most women I have a career and family - and I don't care what anyone says, it's hard to find balance. This means that the things I know I should do, like go to the gym, are often at the bottom of the list.

Life is like the tide, it may go out - but it always comes back in. I have no doubt that I will be in great shape by summer - but for now my focus will be staying healthy, and keeping it real.

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