Wednesday, April 11, 2007


My son is an old soul. When he was a young teenager, he made an interesting observation about the state of the world. Our family was watching the evening news - I can't remember what the story was about - it could have been global warming, the latest pandemic, the proliferation of nuclear weapons - take your pick. He said that humans had created an unnatural imbalance, and that we should always remember that nature has a way of taking care of things that are imbalanced.

The Hopi's have a word for life out of balance - Koyaanisqatsi.

Scientists have recently discovered that a small, barren valley in the southern Sahara Desert is largely responsible for sustaining life in the Amazon Rainforest.
During frequent sandstorms, tons of dust are lifted up into the atmosphere and blown far across the Atlantic ocean. Upon settling, this dust contributes to more than half of the minerals that help fertilize the soil of the Amazon Basin.

Whether you like it or not, we are all connected - everything you do has an impact on every living creature on this planet.

I try to do my best, but I worry that it isn't enough. We have to keep asking the hard questions, and strive to find a more balanced approach to life - before we reach the tipping point.

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