Thursday, January 24, 2008

Notes on Beijing

I am currently in Sydney, a place that I am crazy in love with. But before I tell you about this new affair, a few notes on Beijing.

Extreme Shopping
This business trip has been a little unusual for me – as I tend to work in an industry that is dominated by women – on this trip my travel companions are 4 men. Great guys, who seem to spend most of their time talking about hockey. But what really took me off guard, was how excited they were about shopping in China. It actually started to worry me – it would take an 80% off sale at my favourite store to get me that worked up. It wasn’t until we arrived that I started to understand the hype. You can buy anything – and I mean anything - in China for pennies. I admit that it’s all fake, but the Chinese are so good at manufacturing knock offs, that even the Rolex's look real. At one point I hit the wall – and found myself haggling over a $5 dollar watch – and I haven’t worn a watch for years! (I refuse to wear one, as I want to really live in the moment. Which makes me a very big hypocrite, as I am always checking the time on my blackberry).

We are totally screwed
I don’t care how prepared you are for China – you really don’t get it until you go there. It has a huge population and a very serious problem with pollution. The World Health organization advises that if the air quality index hits 300, you should stay inside and wear a face mask. It isn’t unusual for the index to hit 450 in Beijing. It is so polluted, that the sun looks like something out of one of those “morning after” movies. On one hand I get it, these people have been poor for so long that it’s hard to judge – not to mention all of the damage we have done in our own industrial revolutions. But when you take into account that this is also happening in Russia and India, you start to think of a coming apocalypse.

Due to gendercide, China is now facing a future where there are far more men than women. You would think in this new world, women would become a commodity – valued and fought over. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case. China continues to be a male dominated society, a place where most women are second class citizens.

China now has a free market economy, so it’s easy to forget where you’re at. So I was surprised to find that blogging in China is not allowed – in fact, all social networks are banned by the government. A big reminder that you are in Communist country.

Architectural wonder

Aside from a long history and interesting culture, the most exciting thing about Beijing is the serious investment they are making in new, modern design. The buildings are amazing and well worth the visit.


Tyra said...

A friend of mine goes to China at least once a month for business...she hates it! She says it's dirty and overpopluated, but you can get a 2 hour foot massage for $7.00....I'm all about a massage but two hours concentrated in one area...enough already!

Dil said...

You MUST read Beijing Confidential by Jan Wong. Wierd! I think I mentioned it in a comment on a previous blog! You mention the new buildings and architecture happening there. According to Jan Wong most of the newer buildings are at the expense of some serious historical sites and buildings. Apparantly due to communist rule they can build a 6 lane highway in about 6 weeks! No unions, work the workers day and night to get it done! She describes the pollution too.....I wonder how our world class athletes are going to function? Sounds like a facinating place....I'd love to visit some day.

Dil said...

You MUST read Beijing Confidential by Jan Wong. Wierd! I think I mentioned it in a comment on a previous blog! You mention the new buildings and architecture happening there. According to Jan Wong most of the newer buildings are at the expense of some serious historical sites and buildings. Apparantly due to communist rule they can build a 6 lane highway in about 6 weeks! No unions, work the workers day and night to get it done! She describes the pollution too.....I wonder how our world class athletes are going to function? Sounds like a facinating place....I'd love to visit some day.