Friday, April 17, 2009


Living with a photographer can be quite daunting. For years I avoided cameras, knowing my best would never be good enough.

Funny thing about life, sometimes you have hidden talents without even knowing it. By fluke I realized that I have a knack for accidentally taking photos with my blackberry. It's actually a gift, who knew that I would capture the essence of life without even knowing it.

So from time to time I plan to share my new art form with you.  Take this image for example, I like to call it "Janice looks at life and laughs in its face".


Unknown said...

Ummmm.... you might not want to quit your day job yet.

Tyra said...

A little blury but true art has no boundaries!

Maggy and Me - said...

Much better than my blackberry shots - blurry shoes against carpet, blurry umbrella in briefcase, black frame with blurry, shiny objects... :)