Anyone who has met my Tom will tell you that he's a big personality. Not only is he a big presence, but several years ago we noticed that he also had a strange effect on our electrical appliances. I know this is going to sound strange, but when Tom is around, our computers crash, light bulbs blow, the stereo and TV will suddenly start playing. It's sort of like living with a force of nature. I realize that if your reading this you're probably starting to question my sanity - but strange as this all might sound, there are several scientific studies dedicated to studying people who wreak havoc on electro-magnetic fields.
Tom and I are currently in Key West, and while we are having a grand old time, things have been just a little strange with my honey. For starters, Tom seems to have lost all sense of direction - very strange considering he constantly likes to remind us that he is the human equivalent of a homing pigeon. To put things into perspective, Key West is a tiny, tiny island, with the streets laid out in a basic grid - you don't exactly have to be a brain surgeon to get from A to B.
Things started getting really freaky when we noticed that everyone Tom talked to couldn't quite make direct eye contact with him. One of the things I love about travelling with Tom, is the way he connects with the locals. But this trip has been different, and kind of surreal; it goes something like this - Tom talks to a local personality - who in turn carries on a long conversation with him - but looks into MY eyes the whole time.
In Key West, this has happened over, and over, and over. Which means when Tom is talking to the locals about mundane topics like sports, or the weather, or Cuba, I can't zone the conversation out, I have to make all the appropriate facial expressions, acting as if I'm keenly interested in the topic, but rarely saying a word. Down here, I'm kind of acting like a transmitter between the locals, and my husband.
Tom also noticed this strange behaviour from the locals, and we just couldn't figure it out - but this evening it finally hit me. It has to be the Bermuda Triangle. The Mother of all magnetic fields. If you grew up in the 60's, you'll know what I'm talking about.
The Bermuda Triangle is having a profound effect on my husband's behaviour. This is serious shit, people.
Hmmm, you could have told me this before I got on a plane to the other side of the world with y'all a couple of years ago.
Also, could this phenomenon explain why the computer only breaks when Janice uses it?
I don't ever want to fly through the Bermuda Triangle with Tom. I'm just sayin'.
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