Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Girl in a Bubble

Over the past few days, I have received several messages from Tyler’s friends that my dear sweet boy is miffed at his Mom for my not responding to his e-mails. The truth is, sometimes I hit the wall and just need to unplug.

I can understand why CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies are starting to declare email bankruptcy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just hit the delete key, and start fresh?

The attached photo illustrates my point – while hiking in the wilderness - a friend of mine used his Blackberry to settle a dispute. We are almost at the point where one can go anywhere without loosing contact with the outside world. Case in point -who can forget the recent story of a man who climbed Everest - only to find himself in very serious trouble. He was actually able to call home and say goodbye to his family, only minutes before his death.

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that there is an upside to all of this communication. I’ll be the first person to call for help if I ever find myself lost and in need of assistance. Hell, there have been times I couldn’t survive without using my cell phone to order take-out.

I also love the idea that my beautiful son can travel around the world and send frequent emails home, assuring us that all is well - and to please send money. When Tom was Tyler’s age - he was backpacking through Europe and North Africa - his family often went months without hearing from him. Something I can’t even begin to imagine.

So if you’ve been trying to reach me, don’t send out the search party just yet. Next week I plan to re-connect with everyone. And not to brag or anything, but I work a mean Blackberry.


Maggy and Me - said...

Hey - glad to hear you've been taking time away! That's what vacations are for. Look forward to catching up with you when you're connected again. :)

Anonymous said...

When we were in Tokyo our friend would whip out her phone at the drop of a hat... you want to know about going to such and such? You get there on this bus, it closes at x and it costs such and such. Never a question left unanswered! Learning how to control this flow is the key. Of course, I don't have a cell phone let alone one that is connected to the net so I of no help in the control department.