Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Strong Like Ox

My good friend Jill recently sent me a beautiful Asian calendar – as I admired it I had an epiphany – oh my god, it’s the year of the ox, how in the world do I break the news to Tom!

You see in our house this is big news, Tyler, Tex, Maggie and I were all born in the year of the ox. According to the info Jill sent ox are genuine, hard working, trusting, responsible and fearless, which Tom points out is just a polite way of saying stubborn.

To make it even worse, Tom is a ram. According to ancient Chinese wisdom, rams are strongly advised to never live with ox………..seriously…….under no circumstance should ram ever cohabitate with ox.

Sure, I admit that one side of me really feels bad for Tom – but there’s another side that says Paaaaartay!

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