Thursday, May 8, 2008

Heaven Help Us

There’s a school of thought that associates the decline of society with our recent move from the front porch to the back yard. Think about it - one day you’re on the front porch, waving to the neighbours– fast forward a few years and you’re in the backyard, sunbathing in the nude, not even sure who lives next door.

I have to confess, one of my biggest fears is that I will end up living in suburbia. Just to clarify, I can handle charming little neighbourhoods. What I can’t handle is living in a place where there are miles and miles of identical houses. How could this be anyone’s dream? And what about the new trend of the gated community? Let’s just build a fence to keep the barbarians out while we’re at it.

We live in the middle of a big city. We have no fences or gates, and the neighbours can peer into our kitchen and living room (if they wish). Yet, the other day while taking Tex for a walk, Tom reported that a huge river otter sauntered out of the bushes and walked right past them (silly Tex was totally oblivious).
Sure we could use a spare bathroom, there’s never enough storage space and our neighbour is a nosy garden Nazi, but I love where we live. No suburbs for me.


Dil said...

OH come could be the rebel....I see it're sitting in the FRONT yard sunning yourself surrounded by the neighbourhood kids because your teaching them how to mix the perfect martini while you have them all painting your fence rainbow colors.

Maggy and Me - said...

Who's kidding who - you and Tom live in heaven! You have the best setting and the right amount of space and your home is welcoming and wonderful. And it's in the middle of the best place on earth... it suits ya!