Monday, October 20, 2008

Keeping it Real

I hate to admit this , but I’m bored. Last Friday I had knee surgery - I’m home this week - following Doctor’s orders to rest and give my body time to mend.

The thing is, I’m not really in pain, but also not quite ready to 'bust a move'. There are so many productive things I could be doing, instead I’ve been watching way too much TV, reading magazines, and taking so many naps that I have a permanent print of the comforter on my cheek.

To top it all off, Tom is really getting on my nerves. If you’re reading this, please help me!!! You see, he’s decided to take advantage of my inability to shop for diet coke, insisting I go cold turkey. He's calling it tough love. If this continues, I’ll be curled up in fetal position, crying “make it go away”.

The truth is, I’m also feeling ubber guilty for being so whiny – I listen to myself talk, and can’t help but think that I must sound like Paris Hilton with a limp. When I get this way, I find that there’s nothing like making a list to put things into perspective. So here goes:

Mika’s knee list

  • Tex struggles with back pain on a daily basis, and never complains or expects to be entertained.
  • Thank god knee surgery is an option, if I had been born a few thousand years ago, chances are I would have been seperated from the herd - getting a lesson on what it really means to be part of the food chain.
  • By the time the Bush years come to an end, I should be able to do some serious moon walking.
  • Pay backs are hell. I’ll be so weak from lack of caffeine and exercise, that hiring a really hot trainer / physio guy will be a no brainer.


Dil said...

I just had a vision of you calling those "dial a bottle" guys while Tom is out taking Tex and Maggie for a walk. They're ready to deliver rum, vodka, tequila and you whisper...."diet! I'll pay double....just leave it behind the red flower pot on the patio. You'll find your envelope there."!

Pheobe Kaatz said...

What happened to Tom's SNAG routine? He should be delivering Diet Coke to you while playing the pan flute.


Anonymous said...

There are some pizza delivery outfits that will also deliver pop with your pizza. Try ordering a small pizza with 24 cans of diet coke.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mika, Glad to hear you finally had your knee surgery (I think... ?) Hopefully the pain and suffering (read: withdrawal from Diet Coke rather than the actual surgery) will be worth it. Think strong, healthy thoughts. And, just think... once you get back on your feet and are up and walking again, it will be an excuse to buy new shoes! Best wishes, Heather M.