Rule #1 – Do your homework.
I have no doubt that you are an intelligent person Sarah, it’s just that when you can’t seem to clearly answer some of the basic questions (Bush agenda, McCain’s record, Economics 101), you’re kind of scary. Silly me, but I sleep better at night knowing that the people who control the nukes actually have all of the information needed to make good, sound decisions.
Rule #2 – Keep it real.
I have no problem with your “Sarah from the block” message, and personally think that some of the best leaders come from humble backgrounds. However, you may want to do a little reality check before throwing words like elitist around. Here are a few simple tips to help you do the math:
McCain + rich wife + 12 houses + voting record = establishment / elitist.
Obama + south side of Chicago + raised by single mother = person with humble background who embodies the American dream.
Rule # 3 – Body language
Sorry Sarah, but unless you have tourette’s syndrome, the winking thing has really gotta go. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think any man or woman in the political arena could pull it off. Just think of it as a timing thing – a wink can actually be cute when telling a joke –not so cute when you’re talking about invading Russia. At the end of the day, you just can’t be taken seriously when you're winking, if you don’t believe me - ask your friend “Dubya” (wink).
Rule #4 – Don’t talk the talk, unless you can walk the walk.
Sorry Sarah, but you’re just not ready to represent. By calling yourself a Maverick you’re only going to draw attention to the negative - your support for the “bridge to nowhere” - the Wasilla sports centre - the current state investigation into unethical behavior – the fact that you really can’t see Russian from your front porch - and of course your attempt to ban books from public libraries. With that kind of record, you may really want to consider a more humble approach.
Rule #5 – More will be expected of you.
Because you’re a woman, you will be held to a higher standard than most of your male peers. I know it’s not fair, it’s just the reality of the world we live in. While playing cutesy may have been a good strategy in the past, it’s going to hurt you more than help you this time. Save your feminine wiles for your husband and learn from the women who have succeeded in politics, i.e. Madeleine Albright, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi - all strong women who could hold their own with any man.
Biden made about 10 factual errors in his debate the other night...but, hey, no one is perfect. And, btw, Plain NEVER opposed banning books...check it out snopes...a myth. Surprise...wonder what else could be? Palin is overwhelmingly popular in Alaska. She has reformed how the oil companies do business with the state and routed out the decades-old system of graft in state business. Her remark about Obama's vote to tax people earning $42,000 is technically was part of a Senate resolution he voted for. And another thing I found interesting is that Biden admitted twice that his ticket was NOT for gay marriage. What? Hmmmm...that's good to know.
Just b/c a woman has liberal views doesn't mean she is a better leader, smarter or has a better grasp on reality. I find your view on this to be an extremely elitest and biased opinion...McCain married a wealthy what?? His wife is not running for president and it has NOTHING to do with whether or not he's capable of leading. That's like comparing the multi-millionare disfunctional Hollywood elite that are liberals to the American Dream and/or esteemed, accomplished role model. They don't even know what the real world is and most of them didn't even finish high school...Not my idea of real role models or leaders, for that matter.
I would suggest that if she were for the same things you stood for and was on the other side of the ticket you would be singing her praises. Furthermore, Palin is refreshingly non-politician-like and just being herself. When Biden flubs up and acts all a fool (which even Liberals admit that he does), he's just being "Good Ole Biden". GAG! The hypocrisy makes me ill.
Why don't you leave a comment to what I wrote about Palin on MY blog? My world view is certainly different from yours...but hey, I guess that just makes me folksy and out-of-touch. Trust me, I'm neither. Looking forward to your remarks.
Oops...Biden had more than 10 bad! Gosh, you would think since he's been at this for so long he would get his answers right...
Biden Factually Incorrect:
Biden said: McCain voted on the same way on the budget resolution as Obama did. [FALSE]
Answer: Those votes were held on 3/14 and 6/4, McCain votes no, Obama voted yes. In that resolution, there is a provision calling for a tax increase starting on people making as low $42,000/year.
Biden said: Under Obama people will not pay more taxes than they did under Reagan. [FALSE]
Answer: The top rate under Reagan was 28% and under Clinton it was 39.5% … Obama wants to increase it to 39.5%
Biden said: It would take at least ten years to get any oil from new production. [FALSE]
Answer: Not true, it would take a year or two in some instances.
Biden said: The “Use of Force” resolution was NOT a war resolution / authorization for war. [FALSE]
Answer: Yes it was.
Biden said: McCain voted the same way Obama did with funding the troops. [FALSE]
Answer: Look at the final passage vote, McCain voted yes, Obama voted no to funding the troops.
Biden said: The United States spends more in three weeks in Iraq as we have in the past seven years in Afghanistan. [FALSE]
Answer: That is inaccurate - no spending figures support that assertion.
Biden said: That Article I of the Constitution refers to the Executive branch. [FALSE]
Answer: Article I refers to the Legislative Branch - (and he graduated from law school and serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee in charge of the federal courts)
Biden said: He said there was a windfall profits tax in Alaska. [FALSE]
Answer: No there is no such tax.
Biden said: McCain opposed President Clinton on Bosnia. [FALSE]
Answer: Incorrect
Biden said: Pakistan could hit Israel with a nuclear missle. [FALSE]
Answer: Pakistan is 2,198 miles away from Israel, their longest range missle has a range of 1200 miles.
Sounds Like Socialism Quote of the Night: “We don’t call it redistribution we call that ‘fairness’.” - Joe Biden
Posted by Mika's husband Tom
Good rebuttal Tyra, methinks this is going to be a good one. Let's see what Mika's 'homeys' have to say. never mentioned how you liked the pic of Maggie ???
I think Maggie looks good as a blonde! :)
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