Have you noticed that the latest trend on Facebook involves creating lists? They usually consist of things you’ve done or hope to do, i.e. your bucket list, places you want to visit, 25 things nobody knows about you, books you have read, etc., etc., etc.
All of this list making has me thinking - sometimes the things you refuse to do can say as much about you as the things you embrace.
Without further ado, here’s my List of Things That Mika is Never Going to Do.
1. Go on a group tour/vacation (my idea of hell)
2. Own a mini-van
3. Vote Republican
4. Go for a “cleanse”. (I may be the only person in BC who hasn’t been on one -even Tom claims he does it on a weekly basis!)
5. Buy a gun
6. Read books that are written by either Danielle Steel or Ann Coulter
7. Wear Uggs
8. Become a member of The Kiss Army
9. Eat meat
10. Give up diet coke, Mexican food or chocolate (hell no!)
11. Not have a dog in my life
12. Whistle, ride a unicycle or walk on stilts (three things I’ve always wanted to do, but just can’t master)
13. Sing in tune (but I’m not going to let that stop me)
14. Take up any form of organized religion
15. Stop buying shoes (sorry honey!)
16. Take my family or friends for granted
17. Stop swearing (sometimes, it just feels so damn good)
18. Join the Celine Dion fan club
19. Wear a bikini in public (those days are long gone)
20. Buy an RV and spend my holidays camping in a Wal-Mart parking lot
21. Stop picking up pennies found on the street and making a wish
22. Telling little lies (Of course that dress doesn’t make you look fat!)
23. Appear on Girls Gone Wild (at least not willingly)
24. Watch WWF, Dog the Bounty Hunter, or Fox news
25. Allow anyone to bully me (No! I will not respond to “Who’s your Daddy” when held in a head lock)
Before making your own list of “No, Not Me”, you should know that this comes with significant risk. There have been many times in life when I have found myself doing the very things I said I would never do. You are seriously tempting fate, so proceed with caution.
All of this list making has me thinking - sometimes the things you refuse to do can say as much about you as the things you embrace.
Without further ado, here’s my List of Things That Mika is Never Going to Do.
1. Go on a group tour/vacation (my idea of hell)
2. Own a mini-van
3. Vote Republican
4. Go for a “cleanse”. (I may be the only person in BC who hasn’t been on one -even Tom claims he does it on a weekly basis!)
5. Buy a gun
6. Read books that are written by either Danielle Steel or Ann Coulter
7. Wear Uggs
8. Become a member of The Kiss Army
9. Eat meat
10. Give up diet coke, Mexican food or chocolate (hell no!)
11. Not have a dog in my life
12. Whistle, ride a unicycle or walk on stilts (three things I’ve always wanted to do, but just can’t master)
13. Sing in tune (but I’m not going to let that stop me)
14. Take up any form of organized religion
15. Stop buying shoes (sorry honey!)
16. Take my family or friends for granted
17. Stop swearing (sometimes, it just feels so damn good)
18. Join the Celine Dion fan club
19. Wear a bikini in public (those days are long gone)
20. Buy an RV and spend my holidays camping in a Wal-Mart parking lot
21. Stop picking up pennies found on the street and making a wish
22. Telling little lies (Of course that dress doesn’t make you look fat!)
23. Appear on Girls Gone Wild (at least not willingly)
24. Watch WWF, Dog the Bounty Hunter, or Fox news
25. Allow anyone to bully me (No! I will not respond to “Who’s your Daddy” when held in a head lock)
Before making your own list of “No, Not Me”, you should know that this comes with significant risk. There have been many times in life when I have found myself doing the very things I said I would never do. You are seriously tempting fate, so proceed with caution.
24) Will you ever watch "Manswers"?
Hmmm...this gives me a lot of good birthday or Christmas ideas...except I don't think you celebrate "organized holidays" either....oh, shoot, or shit, whatever you prefer, I guess I won't send you the latest Ann Coulter book or Hank Williams, Jr. CD's...:)
BTW...if you want to donate some of those shoes...kids in Guatamala are desperately needing some closed-toe shoes or tennis shoes. They can't go to school without them and most of the children don't have ANY shoes...so they don't go to school! Very sad.
Oh "drat"! I was just picturing us in a great adventure and was going to invite you along on the group trip in my mini van to Hawaii where we'd appear on Dog the Bounty Hunter and then on to Fox News where we'd discuss the "Dog" experience and they'd show very public footage of you in a bikini, wearing yes, a bikini, but also bare feet....yikes no shoes!. We'd then need to flee the country and change our identities (because of the public bikini fiasco)and head into Mexico where there'd be abundant mexican food ( yay for you) and probably diet coke....but then the results of all that Mexican food would be somewhat "cleansing" and I remembered that you wouldn't want that.....so....we'd then have to non-chalantly try to get back over the border...perhaps whistling or humming a tune to appear relaxed......except that we forget it's Easter, and the border guards have a stat holiday so the "sub" border guards stop us and they have to put the " little lie" detector on us.....well, as you can see if I invited you along we'd be hooped, so sorry , now that I've seen the list you're not invited. Too bad.
LOL, Dil...You forgot to mention that you that had to shoot a red-neck Republican along the way...:)
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