Sunday, March 25, 2007

Living with an Artist

If you ask my husband Tom, he would tell you that he isn't a photographer, he would mumble something about it being a hobby. I disagree, for the past few years a portion of his income comes from his photos - you can see them on the side of buses, ad campaigns, magazines and newspapers.

He's a natural, even the photos he took in his late teens with a point and shoot are great. The ironic thing is he knows absolutely nothing about the technical side of the things, everything he does is pure intuition.

Almost all of the photo's on my blog are his, most of which he considers rejects - but all are images that I happen to love.

Just so you're clear who the artist in our family is, I've attached my lame attempt to capture a wild horse.

1 comment:

susan said...

Hi Mika,

I love your photo of a wild horse. It is perfect in the cropping and composition to portray exactly that - a wild horse. It is moving and active.

My family has told me that they love reading my blog - it helps them connect to our family and things I don't necessarily talk to them about. They get to see some of my emotions. If anything, your blog will be a way for those who care about you to stay connected, and yes, it will be a creative outlet for your memories.

Congrats for starting something you admit you hate to read! :)