Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Adios Tony

There are only three more episodes of the Sopranos left, I am going to mourn the loss.

I know it’s not cool to admit to watching TV – but the truth is, I’ve loved every minute of the Sopranos and Six Feet Under. Now that both programs are going off the air, what will I watch?.

Damn it, I guess this means I’ll have to start doing something more productive with my life.

This is sad, because I think you can learn a great deal from TV. Here are a few of the things it's taught me

  • Tornadoes have a “thing” for people who live in trailer parks
  • People who have been abducted by aliens are also regularly seen on shows about Big Foot
  • TV evangelists and swingers often have the same hair-do
  • People who work in crime labs are hot – who knew cleavage and science were so closely related
  • People who are being interviewed about reincarnation are always descended from royalty
  • You know it’s going to be a really bad day if you go to work and find out that the crew from “60 Minutes” are waiting for you.


Anonymous said...

It was from Sex and the City I learned Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo were shoes and not names of waiters at Cin Cin's!

Janice said...

I learned that all 'crime labs' have a magic computer that you can input ANY piece of evidence and instantly the computer will spit out detailed analytic results and a few matching suspects. Which leads to lines like this: "Hm, a cotton shirt from Walmart with peppermint, alcohol and melamine residue? Well that must belong to Johnny Smith originally from Tulsa Oklahoma, he lives over on South Street now... lets Go Get him!!!"

Crime labs also have very bad - but very cool - lighting.

Dil said...

Check out " Arrested Development"...not sure what channel or what time because, well, I just NEVER watch tv ( so busy doing yoga, working out, reading to my children etc.) but a "friend of mine" told me it was really really good!
Oh and I also heard that nurses and doctors in ER are all hot
( hmm...I used to be an ER nurse!! cool!!!...I'm hot!!!)