Thursday, May 3, 2007

Universal Truths

There are many Universal Truths that govern our lives, most of which we are aware. However, I’m tempted to start a list of a few that are not so obvious - the ones that have to hit you in head before you actually get it.

Let’s start with the principal that “When saying you are never, under any circumstances, going to do something – you will eventually find yourself doing the very thing you so adamantly opposed.”

It’s true. As soon as you say “No thank you”, “I don’t think so” or “no fucking way” - you’ve invited fate to intervene. Unfortunately, I’ve had to learn this the hard way.

My brothers and I used to make fun of my poor dad, who would often fall asleep in front of the TV - going so far as to speculate that maybe he was watching it with his eye teeth. Fast forward 30 years and what do you know – here I am, sleeping on the couch, CSI blaring in the background.

It can actually be very rewarding watching this principal swing into effect, as long as it isn’t happening to you.

For example, we’ve all known the childless couple who are quick to give parenting advice – letting everyone know that they will not tolerate certain behaviors when they have children. According to the principal, once you go down that road its only a matter of time before giving birth to a Tasmanian devil.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This made me laugh, hard. It's all SO true! Remember when you once swore you'd never do things the way your mother did? Have you scared yourself yet and heard her voice when you speak?