Monday, May 14, 2007

Earth to Mika

Several years ago Douglas Coupland wrote a wonderful essay about the Apollo space program. He pointed out that the most significant outcome of those missions was not the moonwalk - far more momentous was the fact that mankind was given it’s first full view of planet Earth.

The moon was a cold, barren place - but the view from space changed the way we look at our home planet. A ‘big, blue marble’, suspended in space, and which could only be described as a living, breathing entity.

Here on Earth, we are at an important cross-roads. Scientist say that if everyone consumed the way we do in North America – it would take 7 Earths just to provide the natural resources required. Even if you aren’t concerned about the environment, you can certainly understand that it comes down to a simple formula - supply versus demand.

I do care, which makes this part all the more difficult to admit. In the process of simplifying my life, I’ve come to realize that I have so much more than I actually need. Seriously, you should see all the stuff in my closet, it’s truly embarrassing. I usually justify it by telling myself that all these clothes are a requirement of my job - but not to this extent.

So I’ve decided that for the next three months I’m not going to buy anything other than the basics. No clothes, magazines, shoes, books, flowers, wine, (well….maybe a little wine). My hope is that by making this resolution public I will really have to follow through. I’ll keep you posted.
Postscript: My husband really found this post amusing, and pointed out that I start out sounding like David Suzuki and end by channeling the voice of Paris Hilton. All I'm saying is that I know I'm part of the problem -and by giving up shopping I'm certainly not going to save the world.


Anonymous said...

We do seem to be on the same pages these days, don't we?

The Travel Girl... said...

Ann Taylor is going to go out of business!

Janice said...

You should buy - no wait... borrow this book - from the library

Dil said...

Wow, I was thinking the same thing just the other day( while looking at my bank statements!).....from another angle...look at how much $$ we waste on frivolous things. Imagine if we took a portion of what we save and donate it to a good cause!

Dil said...

Mika, I just thought I'd take a quick look at your blog! More than an hour later......great reading but I've got laundry to do and a closet to purge! ( Not sure if you remember me...Judith's sister!)