Thursday, April 19, 2007

New York State of Mind

I still remember the first time I went to NYC, it was over 11 years ago and I was travelling with my young son. For starters, the New York City of our imagination was very different from the real thing – perhaps it was all those movies we had watched, we expected something out of Midnight Cowboy or the Godfather.

It also didn’t help that my husband’s advice was to “never look up at the tall buildings, as that would be a cue to some bad ass dude that we were an easy mark.”

In hindsight I’m sure we had “Canadians” stamped on our foreheads – who else in New York actually waits for the little man to light up before stepping off the curb?

It didn’t take us long to realize that our NY experience would be more like something out of Annie Hall, funky, eclectic, friendly and safe.

I’ve been to New York many times since than, here are a few of my most memorable experiences:

· My 11 year old son telling me “God I love this place, do you realize you can actually buy a Rolex for only $10!” Since then, when in the Big Apple, we make a point of buying the cheapest, most pimped out watch we can find.

· Being on a subway two weeks after 9-11 and clapping and cheering with the locals after two fireman came on board.

· Bonding with a pigeon in Union Square, after it decided to sit on my head and shoulders for a good 10 minutes – I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone hoping to make contact with the locals, let’s just say this isn’t a community that is going to be celebrating the “year of the pigeon” anytime soon.

· Attending an event at Gracie Mansion and meeting Rudy, who spoke about cleaning up the city and sending all the bad guys to New Jersey, even referencing the Soprano’s.

· Getting separated from my young son on a subway after masses of people tried to crowd on board following the Saint Patricks Parade (think of European soccer madness). At some point a stranger in a business suit started holding my hand - my first response was empathy (after all it was a scary situation) – followed by alarm (every time I tried to pull away he would hold on tighter).I’m embarrassed to admit that I ended up holding his hand from Canal to Grand Central Station as I was more concerned about making a scene and upsetting my son.

· I’ve eaten at a place that serves nothing but Mac and Cheese and another that only serves rice pudding - I always go to the Magnolia bakery for a slice of Red Velvet cake.


Pheobe Kaatz said...

Next time I go to NYC, you'll have to tell me where to get that mac and cheese!!!!

The Travel Girl... said...

Next time you are in NYC check out Billy's Bakery in Chelsea They too have red velvet cake and cupcakes. Mmm!