Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pugs and Politics

I’m working in NY this week, after which I fly to Tokyo for another stint as a corporate road warrior. I love to travel – in fact I’ll go out on a limb and proclaim that I’m a nomad at heart – it’s just that I’ve had a really hard time getting motivated for this one.

The main reason I am so conflicted about leaving home lately is the fact that Tex and Maggie are getting older. When I look at the big picture, I can’t think of any place I’d rather be than with my two best friends. As they get older and a little more fragile, I feel like I have to cherish every minute we have. Not to mention that every trip is equally traumatizing on them - even though I try to hide the suitcase and pack downstairs – Tex has the innate ability to know when someone in his family is about to hit the road – at which point he goes into his shaky dog routine.

At the airport this past Sunday, I was throwing myself a little pity party, wondering how the pugs could possibly survive without me. When I checked my blackberry I felt a little better, as my friend and colleague Heather sent me a note regarding a “Pugs for Obama” event in NY (yes I am serious, do you really think I could make this up?) Even though my flight to NY was getting in too late for me to attend this canine political rally, it felt like an omen and made me feel so much better about life.

My first meeting in NY was with Sanjay, an Editor in the Conde Naste building (on a side note, the woman at Vogue really are all that, beautiful and intimidating). Sanjay and I have been working with each other for years, so it was only natural that he ask about the pugs. This of course led me to mention my delight at the idea of a “Pugs for Obama” rally and my disappointment at not being there, after all Tex and Maggie represent.
Low and behold -Sanjay introduces me to his colleague - who is leaving Conde Naste to work for Obama - whose pug Pixie was the inspiration for the event. Wow, it really is a small world.

The way I figure, with all that pug karma Obama has to win……..God I love this city!


Marot said...

Wow I was thinking where did you manage to find (or Made) the pic from your post but it really is a real campaign. very very cool!!!

Tyra said...

I'm certainly FOR Pugs being for Obama and my deepest desire is that all canines unite on this subject...since they can't vote, this makes perfect sense to me! :)

Pheobe Kaatz said...

I hope you bring back campaign shirts for Tex and Maggie. I hear they are very fashion forward.


Dil said...

Ha ha ha !!! It just cracks me up! The difference between our election hoopla vs the US election hoopla. We're hard pressed to find a political rally for um...people.... here let alone pugs.!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for the Pugs!!!!! I have 3 pugs and we are all for Obama. If McCain gets in my pugs may go hungry. I would love to have the buttons and the shirts of Pugs for Obama. Please email me at with the information.
