This past week I’ve had a very difficult time following the US Presidential election – the truth being it really gets me down. Contrary to popular belief, I’m neither a Republican nor Democrat, falling into that illusive demographic commonly referred to as the swing vote.
One of the things that troubles me most is the idea of Sarah Palin as Vice President. Our forefathers had the wisdom to recognize that religion should not dictate how a democracy is governed. Do we really need a Vice President who believes that creationism should be taught in the classroom, sex education is taboo, banning books good, and even victims of incest and rape should not have the right to abortion?
Even though my first reaction was depression, I’m happy to report that I’ve had a change in attitude. Rather than give up, I’ve decided to embrace that old adage “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Should we get stuck with McCain and Palin, it seems only right that we all get a fair share in determining how religion shapes our country. With that in mind, I’d like to put forward some of the changes I’d like to see.
- I truly believe that every creature, great or small, are just as relevant and important to this planet as humans. Because of this belief I am a strict vegetarian and do not buy or wear animal products. This may seem extreme but trust me, tofu turkey and pleather aren’t so bad once you get used to them.
- This one may seem like a small thing, but it’s really important to my belief system. In the future, beauty pageants for children will have to be outlawed. The way I figure it is all of the money that would have been spent on rhinestones and tiaras - will now go towards the cost of therapy - helping all of those poor kids who were victims of their parent’s unrequited dreams.
- My faith also tells me that violence of any kind should never be condoned. Over these past eight years we have been ruled by the dogs of war, which according to the gospel of Mika, absolutely must come to a stop. In the future we are going to have rely on diplomacy, decency, reason and compassion when dealing with our adversaries. On a side note, it also means that we are going to need new rules for the NHL…..sorry, but no more fighting boys and girls.
I'm in total agreement with you on that Mika. I also have another one...I think culturalism and religion should be taught in all schools from K-12. By religion I mean ALL religions. We should learn about Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, Jehovahs Witness, Mormon, Cathlolicism,Islam, etc.etc. We should learn about cultures and beliefs and traditions. With knowledge comes respect. Only the ignorant and self centered would want one type of belief system taught in a school system. I find it appalling that someone who has the potential to be in an international leadership role would be that narrow minded, self centered and ignorant of other cultures and religions.Palin makes me afraid....very, very afraid.
Me too. I've spent some time thinking about how not to be judgmental about those who are in the more conservative of parties. Then I realized the bigger concern for me is that's exactly what is offensive - their judgement of everyone but themselves. Why can't we all just embrace each other, different beliefs and all?
I'm not sure what it is you guys are afraid of; you seem threatened by an intelligent woman whose values don't line up with yours. I find your opinions to be extremely narrow-minded. If someone of faith challenges abortion, for instance, then they are labled intolerant, but isn't that what you are doing to them? Saying that their opinion is invalid because you don't agree with it? Furthermore, Palin's faith, or lack thereof, should not and does not have ANYTHING to do with whether or not she can run a country. Her values are important to me, yes, but there are, believe or not, conservatives that aren't necessarily people of faith who share those same values. Obama can speak openly about his faith and it's embraced by the liberals(if you would like proof I can get it), but if a Republican does, he's/she's a religious fanatic.
The Democratic party is full of hypocrasy. More and more I hear US bashing or total irreverance and disrespect coming from liberals (i.e. Obama not covering his heart during the National Anthem) but yet, at the same time, they want the Government to take care of them. President Ford said it very well: "A Government that has the power to give you everything also has the power to take it all away."
My values/ideologies are the following:
I am a patriot. I am a Christian (and I HAVE studied other religions and can explain the basic concept of most) However, if you choose Christ to be your Lord and Savior, you CANNOT worship Buddha. Jesus, btw, wasn't open-minded when it came to serving two masters. He said, "I am the ONLY way, the ONLY truth and the ONLY way for salvation is through Me". The most amazing thing about Him though is that His love is so unconditional...all He asks in return is for you to give yourself to Him. When you do, your heart, values and opinions change because you are finally living life His way and not your own.
I am pro-life because I VALUE life. God created us in HIS image! Even if you don't believe in God, the Harvard Medical School Book of Medicine states that a life is dead when his heart stops beating and when pain is no longer felt. Well, doesn't that mean a life has begun when a heart starts beating? It does, btw, at 12 days of conception. It has EVERYTHING it needs to grow into a human being by 8 weeks of only needs time to grow. Studies reveal that if a fetus is pricked with a sharp object it will try to move away from the object and it's mouth will open, perhaps to cry. Furthermore, if you study the roots of abortion, ironically, it was the medical community and the feminists who lobbied AGAINST abortion in the 1800's here in the US. Google it for yourself if you don't believe me.
I don't want BIG Government telling me where to spend my money; I'm quite capable of figuring that out myself, thank you very much. I am VERY much a humanatarian and my husband I give generously to our church, missions, strangers, neighbors, etc...but it is OUR choice. Frankly, we could give more if we didn't have to pay so many taxes! There will always be poor people in the world, God love them, but poor people do not make up a strong economy. You need the wealthy to stablize markets, open businesses, create jobs, etc...
I am also not for public schools. Our education system in the US is a joke compared to other industrialized nations...why? Because the Government is involved. I would love to send my children to a Christian private school, but cannot afford to. Thankfully, our schools our good in comparison, but we live in an upper-middle class neighborhood. Palin is for CHOICES, not limits on education...which is exactly what you believe in if you believe in Government-run education.
I AM TOTALLY for separation of Church and State. I certainly do not want my freedom of religion to be taken away from me. I certainly do not want laws written based on religion. I want laws written based on values and common sense, which quite, frankly, I see the liberals lacking in both these areas.
If you find these opinions to be the exact opposite of yours, then try to be "open-minded" and "tolerant" about them; afterall, isn't that what you are preaching about?
Mika, I love your precious heart. Unfortunately, there is evil in this world and it's not going to be crushed with a sweet smile and a cup of tea. My God tells me (from His word) that there are seen and unseen evil in this world...forces that NO MAN can try to conquer on his own. I've witnessed and heard about the amazing powers of the Holy Spirt! So, ultimately, in an ideal world, there would be no violence, no war, no rapes, no hate...but that's the whole reason why Jesus died for us. All that being said, since the world is not ALL relying on the Holy Spirit to fight our battles, a Nation can't and shouldn't be limited to outside enemies who are trying to destroy us.
Interestly, most people of faith that I know are the most humble, self-effacing and grateful people. They never claim to be perfect and thus, readily admit they are sinners and desperately need a savior. Atheists, for example, arrognantly proclaim NO sin. I'm not sure why you feel people of faith are so judgmental when they are just living their lives according to their faith... Discernment and judgment are two different things and my God tells me to be VERY discerning.
Peace, prayers and love to you all.
I have been reading these comments and my main question is: why do Canadian's concern themselves with American politics? I'd rather remain anyomous.
Oh...I forgot to add...Mika, I agree: child beauty pagents should be outlawed! They are awful and extremely exploitative. Hey, looky there, we AGREE on something! :) I love you, cousin.
Commenting on anonymous comment....because Canadians are global citizens who care about the world around them and the effects they and their global neighbours have on the world.
Tom Ryan (Mika's wonderful husband)
Commenting on anonymous comment:
“Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.”
Pierre Trudeau - Canadian Prime Minister - as spoken to members of the USA Media.
Hi Guys, I try to make it a point to avoid commenting on my own blog, but this time I really have to put my two cents in.
I find it ironic that Michele Obama, a woman who came from a poor family, managed to graduate at the top of an ivy league university, is vilified by the same people who embrace Palin - a woman who is currently being investigated for ethical improprioties. Obviously McCain did not do his research - which doesn't give me a great deal of faith in his ability to govern.
Not sure if you've seen the recent video of Palin in a helicopter shooting wolves. Obviously not to feed her family, but for the joy of the kill. This is the same woman who is talking about the sacred gift of life?
This is a very important decision, if elected McCain would be the oldest man to serve as President - to mention that he has serious health problems over the past few years.
And while I agree that everyone should have the right to pursue their faith without threat or disrespect, Palin is actually trying to change the law, which impacts everyone.
Tom Ryan (Mika's hunky husband.)
“Can't we all... just... get along?”
Rodney King
I'm not sure where you are getting your information about Palin, but I'd certainly be interested in the content and where it came from. The bible says: "What is hidden, will be revealed." So if she has anything to hide, just like the other candidates, it will come out....just like Obama voting yes to partial birth abortions...twice...which he lied about doing! The liberal biased media has reported MANY scandals about her that have turned out to be false; namely, that her baby boy isn't really hers but her son's bastard baby! That was a real good one! As for her being a hunter; I personally don't have a problem with that. God gave MAN dominion over the earth and the animals, not the other way around. I am fond of animals, but I put animals in their proper place; they are NOT human beings. Whereas a human baby being yanked from it's mother's womb and then stabbed in the base of the spine to kill it is something to which offends me! But maybe that's just me.
No, I haven't seen the YouTube video of her hunting, but then again, I don't trust EVERY angle of a story. The AP has taken several of her comments totally out of context to make it sound like she is some religious nut...when you hear the whole message, and the audience she was speaking to (her church), then it makes more least to me anyway.
I don't understand or agree with Michelle Obama's politics or ethics, as would most conservatives I imagine, but I don't believe I've heard anyone say she wasn't an intelligent or accomplished woman. I certainly did not.
Furthermore, age isn't the factor for me, but character. I am not going to say that McCain was my first choice, because he wasn't; however, I have to vote for whomever I feel aligns with at least 80% of my values and political views.
What laws are you referring to that Palin is trying to change based on her religion? That creationism along with evolution should be put in public school educational books? There are MANY very intelligent scientists who would prove evolution wrong, so why not put ALL points of views in there? Just like Dil wants ALL religions to be studied, shouldn't ALL aspects of scientific fact/opinions be taught? Wouldn't that broaden our children's knowledge? Thankfully, my children will get both.
I hope I am making this interesting enough for you guys, since you said you liked it. :) I am afraid I am just as passionate in my beliefs as you are in yours! I humbly admit I need my Lord's mercy and grace! Thankfully, God loves us all and is passionately persuing us... I pray a thousand blessings over you and yours tonight. More debating tommorrow!
Following up on very lengthy attempts at justifying a one-sided perspective on the world, I reiterate: "Why can't we all just embrace each other, different beliefs and all?"
The beautiful thing about not being so confident that one is absolutely right about every one of one's beliefs is that one tends to be more open to those of others.
Those of us who don't believe in cruelly treating other living beings, who do believe in the individual's right to choose, and who support universal access to basic human rights, education and health care don't seem that evil to me.
Freedoms come with responsibility and some sacrifice and although we may not always support viewpoints outside of our own (or personally choose abortion) it's critical in a true democracy to protect the rights of all to these choices.
I would suggest, Tyra, that perhaps the media you subscribe to may be a tad on the biased side, actually.
I wish that rather than launch into a long diatribe with blinders on that you would pause, sip some tea, and reflect on the wisdom that you might enjoy if you actually considered someone else's thinking, even if just a little.
BTW, what I'm afraid of is political leaders who feel they have the right to impose their personal convictions on the world regardless of a more global approach based on the good of all. And ditto on what Tom/Pierre and Dil said re. the Canadian desire to be global citizens and our inability to ignore the US even if we wanted to.
Maggy and Me -
Actually, I used to be a moderate not too long ago in my political and religious ideas, and I'm ashamed to admit it now, that I was pro-abortion ("choice" isn't the word I like to use now). So please do not suggest that I am coming to my views "with blinders on". I have walked in those shoes, and I can see the world from your point of view. I just don't agree with it now. My point was that liberals like to say they are non-judgmental, but in actuality, everyone who has an opinion is judgmental. Opinions are judgment calls. Hypocracy is judging someone for doing the same thing you are doing (i.e.: looking down on someone for smoking when you smoke as well).
I fully admit that I am completely human, infallable and need the Lord's mercy and grace. No MAN or WOMAN (especially in politics) will be the savior of the US, that job is already taken, but my prayers are that God's mercy will be on our soil...we certainly need it.
Why does the Christian faith keep entering this discussion? I try to hear Tyra's arguments for the POLITICAL aspects of the topics at hand but the constant religous insertions are hard to take. I myself am not a white, male, sky-god believer but am respectful of ALL religions and moreso I try to be respectful of human rights ( gays and lesbians included). I respect and acknowledge that there are many religions in Canada and the US.
Religion should not even enter the political arena. We are electing policy makers, we are electing leaders in times of economic crisis, war, human rights issues, environmental crisis, etc. The people of the US and of the earth come from all religious backgrounds and beliefs. You're not electing the next pastor! I stop reading your comments Tyra when your religion keeps coming up. I'd read more and respect your opinion more if your arguments were based on the political issues and YOUR opinions on human rights not the Bible's teachings or the religious teachings of your faith. The issues of Foreign policy, the environment, human rights, education, health, economy aren't about the Christian Bible. Most of the citizens of the world are not Christian and a great number of the citizens of Canada and the US aren't either. I'm all for a debate on the issues but I don't need to hear what the Bible says about hunting, animal rights and human rights ( gays and lesbians.....yes, humans, like you and me)
Dil, I love your feistiness and strong will. I can totally relate to that! :)
I can only explain it this way: When a person gives their lives to Jesus and let's the Holy Spirit live within them, the bible is their guideline for how they should view the world...I can't help but quote what God's precious words are in expressing my views. "The issues of Foreign policy, the environment, human rights, education, health, economy aren't about the Christian Bible." Actually, they are! Every single one of those issues is in there! I would love to quote them all for you, but then this was revealed to me... 1 Cor 2:14 says: "The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."
Anyway, I've been just where you are, so please do not think I'm being condescending or disrespectful. Frankly, I think you already REALLY know where I stand on all those issues, though, don't you?
The environment: We should ALL be excellent stewards of this beautiful Earth. I am ALL for recycling, for limiting our consumption, for reducing polutions, etc... I am VERY pro-drilling in Alaska and/or around our Nation. We need to stop depending on foreign oil. We need to head toward alternative fuel, but that takes while we are working on that, we should be utlizing the resources here on our soil.
Human rights: I AM a humanatarian; that's why I'm so against abortion! On the issue of Gays and Lesbians...I AM for them too! They have every right to live their lives in peace and be given equal liberties, jobs, religions of their choice, etc... However, coming from a pragmatic point of view: The US is an extremely letigious nation and tends to "overuse" rights. (i.e. unions, feminism, race discrimination, abortion, etc...) A country, in my humble opinion, has to have laws and regulations that not only protect but also promote a moral standard to live by. Other than biblically speaking, that is why marriage came to be a custom that modern day now embraces. Basically, people got married for childrens' sake. So that men would be able to "claim" their children and women would have a provider for their family. Even Oprah got this concept because years ago when someone asked her in the audience why she didn't marry Stedman, she said because she was never planning on having children, so therefore, she didn't feel the need to get married. That being said, if we start allowing two men to get "legally" married, then who's to say we can't let one man and two women get married? Perhaps some crazy people will start petitioning the court to marry their dog or their sister or their car. As a court reporter, I've seen and heard some crazy lawsuits, so it's not too far-fetched especially when morality starts declining! Take divorce for example (in the US). Divorce was once considered taboo and only was allowed if there was proof of spousal abuse or infidelity. Now, getting a divorce is easy, and no "restrictions" are made on why a divorce is permitted. Statistics prove that "irreconcilbe differences" are the main reason given for most divorces. Am I saying that NO ONE should be allowed to be granted a divorce? No; however, once our Nation decided to lower standards, the flood gates opened with around 50% of marriages petioning the court for divorces. Our Nation now has to deal with the fact that 80% of single moms and their children are at or below the poverty line. Other than biblically speaking, this is another reason why I am against Homosexual marriage. Homosexuals are free to love whomever they want to, and do. But perhaps it's in the US's best interest not to go down that slippery path.
Another hard fact about life is that life isn't always fair! I have to tell my children that all the time. In a free country we are given the amazing gift of choice, but with choices also comes consequences. So I am ABSOLUTELY for human beings be able to have life, liberty and the persuit of happiness, but not at the cost of a whole country lowering moral standards to the point of not knowing the difference between right and wrong. We've done that, and the result hasn't been good.
Foreign Affairs: I want a strong leader of character and conviction to represent our Nation. I want a sovereign Nation that has a strong and capable military. I want a leader who understands the importance of being Israel's ally.
Healthcare: I am not for socialized health care. Glad that's working for you in Canada, but I don't pay taxes in Canada. Reform needs to happen, but not in the hands of the Government! When the Government gets involved, standards lower tremendously. My father survived 11 years after he was the 1st heart transplant recepient in the state of Florida. Not sure that technology would have been available if the Government had charge of it.
As for being "ignorant of other cultures", I could say the same thing about you. You obviously are offended and oblivious to the "culture" and "values" that I live my life how are we so different? The thing is, I've been on that side of the issues (not all but some) and I live more in your "world" than you live in mine. I am extremely offended that YOU haven't taken the time to understand MY culture! (I'm really not, but just trying to make a point.)
Sorry I'm so long-winded but how can I talk about my beliefs without doing so? Blessings to all!
P.S.: Interestly enough (a little tidbet of info about my culture) the name Sarah in Hebrew means: The leader/lady of Israel. Barak means: Lightning. The name Tyra means: One who does battle! I feel like I've just been through one! :)
Tyra, I do recpect you. You are well spoken and true to, and confident in, your beliefs and you certainly " have all your ducks in a row!" so to speak. I am admittedly not always as well spoken and I probably don't seem as convicted in what I believe. I think I speak for alot of people when I say that these are confusing times for many,.... spiritually, politically, economically,. I see that you are very sure and confident about your beliefs and have great confidence in those candidates with similar beliefs and convictions. I guess we'll always agree to disagree on what defines moral or immoral, on the level of government involvement in social services etc. We're so lucky that we live in Canada and the US where we can debate these topics freely , and especially that we as women can vote and choose leaders who we believe will best represent us!! Sooo, hopefully we will always be free to debate like this, vote for our choices and have alot choices for many years to come! See you again in the next " hot topic debate"!!
I'm so pleased to have stumbled across your postings! It's near impossible to find someone representing your *cough*, "demographic" shall we say, in Canada, the UK, or other first world countries in 2008.
Finally, someone who understands that humans need to continually prove our double-jointed thumb & trigger-finger dominance over wolves. "Yeehaw! Look who's blowin' yer howse doown now Mr. Wolf"!
And you should just SEE the rash of folks lining up to marry their prize beagles and goats since gay marriage has been legalized here in Canada a few years back! Why, they'll NEVER get the barnyard stench out of the Justice of the Peace hallways! You saw that one a'comin'!
Jesus is watching. Look busy!
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