Sunday, July 27, 2008

Quatchi and the Bangkok Bully

I woke up today feeling quite refreshed after my long sleep, and looking forward to exploring this beautiful city of Bangkok.

My buddy Tyler and I went for a walk, and before long we found ourselves in a part of town that neither of us were quite familiar with.

And then, almost out of nowhere comes this little toddler....straight towards me. Tyler suggested I politely back away, and perhaps cross the street so as to avoid any trouble. But, being the Canadian Goodwill Ambassador I am, I said, "No, no...let's meet this little guy, he looks harmless enough."

.....and then, with a lightening-like Muay Thai move, he grabs hold of me!

Before I knew it, I was being swung around by a kid twice my size.....

....and then Whammo! He throws me face first onto the sidewalk! And meanwhile, his Dad is watching the whole thing and thinking it's a big joke!

Luckily, Tyler was nearby and witnessed the attack. In a flash - and just before the little guy was fixin' to stomp on me - Tyler snatches me up and out of danger, and puts me on his broad shoulders.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.....


Pheobe Kaatz said...

Q, I hope no permanent damage was done. You have a long, fun journey ahead of you.

While you are there, can you please look for Muk Muk. He seems to be missing.

Dil said...

Always good to have a big brother to save you from the bullies.